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Searching with your member ID will show you doctors and other healthcare professionals participating in your network. For the lowest cost on your care, make sure the doctor you receive services from is in your network.

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To find costs estimates for treatments or to post reviews of providers you've visited, sign in or register for Blueprint Portal.

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This directory indicates a healthcare provider's network participation status, to the best of our knowledge, at the time of the directory's publication or last refresh date. Even though we do update the directory from time to time, it is possible that we may not have the most current information at the time you visit this site. Because of that, you should always ask your doctor's office to verify current network participation status at the time of your actual visit or treatment.

Search by a specific network

Check the prefix on your member ID card or choose a network from the list below to see participating providers in that network.

All other prefixes on Health Advantage

*Disclaimer: These plans have limited benefits when searching outside of your local geographic area. For more information on benefits or payment levels for providers outside of Arkansas, call customer service at the number on the back of your member ID card; 800-843-1329. If you are in an emergency situation, please seek medical attention immediately.

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